
Results 13 comments of PavelVozenilek

Based on my unpleasant experience with gcov (GCC coverage tool) in foolish drive for 100% coverage: there should be some _easy_ way to label certain lines or whole functions as...

I noticed it when reading lexer'code. One way would be to lex everything first (including comments start/stop), and then to filter comments away.

> 9] Actually, you don't need to import things from the same project even in normal code. So tests would be able to do this as well. That would be...

> So just to clarify, in my mind a test suite consists of one or more "tests", each of which contains one or more "asserts". > Yes. > Currently a...

Zig's test system is rather primitive. * It has no way to implement custom test runner, to select which tests to run. All or none are the only options. Not...

This feature (automatic rebuild in background & hot code swapping) is available for C++ in [Projucer IDE](, built upon LLVM infrastructure. [Old demo 1](, [old demo 2](, [few implementation details](

Information from the dead link is probably here: and here:

Nim has such feature and it is rather clumsy. Distinct type looses all associated operations (for example, distinct array type lacked even element access by []). All these operations have...

This is called white box testing. I'd implemented once in C (inspired by ). Here are my recommendations: 1. To reduce volume of logs a test should at the...

I use `likely`/`unlikely` in my code and the additional parenthesis make have impact on readability. Alternative syntax could be something as ``` if (x > 0) { @likely ... }...