
Results 16 comments of Paulo

@vamidi sent a pull request but looks like no one answered yet, not sure if this rep has people maintaining.

``` python SWAGGER_SETTINGS = { 'INFO': { 'url': 'https://pir ir;/', 'version': 'VERSION', 'contact': { 'name': 'CONTACT NAME', 'email': 'CONTACT EMAIL', 'url': 'CONTACT URL/DOCUMENTATON URL' }, 'description': 'Description of the api...

@mbaljeetsingh Hi man as you requested i added a little bit more examples on the ReadMe of my Branch I'm currently using with Azure Blob-Storage as well, but i...

@mbaljeetsingh Hi Man.... So i did not wanted to push to the NPM becuase i woudl like to see someone whos taking care of the ng2-file-upload to put it to...

@mbaljeetsingh use the onBeforeUploadItem and set item.url as the url you need for that specif item to be posting the chunks

So it's getting error on the uploadcheck the uploader.onErrorItem callback to see if the first chunk is going or what kind of error you are getting from it. i don't...

@mbaljeetsingh Hello Again : ) The API we work is built in Pythonwe used the Azure Blobl SDK and used teh AppendBlobService To append the chunks On the Logic we...

Hi @ph3n0m666 ad @bvercelli99 Sorry for taking to long. I'm still working on the NPM Package, it's my first time so i'm losing my virginity. On the path of doing...

@MgSam never done it... Let me update to Angular 7 and will deploy it to NPM

The cancel should work. After the first chevuk is accepted, só dont allow your user to delete a file before having the first chunk Em qui, 12 de mar de...