Results 17 comments of 川崎

> @Pathsis 这个是纯本地的搜索不支持分词的,推荐接入 algolia 实现搜素功能 aloglia毕竟难弄且昂贵,还是很希望能有的。

I support this as an option for users, look forward to it!

> After taking a shower I came up with a solution to workaround it. > > 1. Provide a checkbox in widget that let user choose if receive email notification...

> I've been thinking how to notify the commenter (#78) when they have new reply without collect their email address, since few people are willing to provide their email address...

> Thanks, @mkyos. That editor is powered entirely by [ProseMirror](, so we'll need to look into this issue in [their codebase]( Maybe someone else has also mentioned this to them...

> Thanks, @mkyos. That editor is powered entirely by [ProseMirror](, so we'll need to look into this issue in [their codebase]( Maybe someone else has also mentioned this to them...

> You can temporarily set the default theme by inserting the code below into the head element of theme.config.js. > > ```js > lang="javascript" > dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ > __html: `if (!window.localStorage.getItem("theme_default"))...

It's just a crappy program, what's there to waste time on it? > ### This is theme.config.js | Where to put it ? > ```js > const YEAR = new...

I don't really like this feature. If it's added in the future, I'd like to have the option to keep it as is!

There is a problem here, in the mobile view, the table of contents is displayed at the bottom of the body along with the related content.