
Results 106 issues of OrionRandD

I have got 2 Emacs instances, but it does not load in any of them. Here are my configs: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; In doom-Emacs ;; evil-motion-trainer-mode (add-load-path! "~/.emacs.d/local-repo/evil-motion-trainer") ;; https://github.com/martinbaillie/evil-motion-trainer (setq global-evil-motion-trainer-mode...

M-x ytel search: Emacs ytel search gives me: json-read: End of file while parsing JSON :(

I am getting this new error: -> deft-file-mtime: Wrong type argument: hash-table-p, nil when calling deft It was working OK till yesterday... here is my config: (use-package! deft :custom (deft-directory...

How do I set up auto-saving time interval in my init.org/init.el? (defcustom deft-auto-save-interval 1.0 "Idle time in seconds before automatically saving buffers opened by Deft. Set to zero to disable."...

What about adding more languages to your kit? British English Aramaic Biblical/Modern Hebrew Biblical/Classical Greek Latin and The lwt-learning with text free software from sourceforge Good resources... Although I miss...

Good work :) But, no updates? I tried to convert Elisp_Programming.org to pdf, But could not succeed :(

Does qtox allow me to share my screen? Say, to show me typing a Vim/Emacs live session to my students?


Hi, Great app. Could you add support for Stumpwm TW? https://github.com/stumpwm/stumpwm https://archive.org/details/TheStumpWMExperience

good first issue

### Feature Description Could you support org files ".org" from Emacs orgmode? Thx a lot

* **Please describe the feature you would like to have.** Delete an account * **What alternatives have you considered?** * **Any additional context** How to delete a sign up account?...