
Results 6 issues of Olejan

Hi! I try to run the [Simple_MPU6050_Calibration](https://github.com/ZHomeSlice/Simple_MPU6050/tree/master/Examples/Simple_MPU6050_Calibration) example on my ESP8266 Dev Module. It compiles. But after flashing in Serial Output, I see some kind of garbage instead of data....

I download this project and try to build it. But when I do command: `idf.py menuconfig` I get error: ``` D:\Projects\sip_call-main>idf.py menuconfig Executing action: menuconfig Running cmake in directory D:\Projects\sip_call-main\build...

Сервомотор поворачивается рывками, при этом разливая жидкость из трубки на поверхность наливатора. А в сервисном режиме, если крутануть резко энкодер, то серву начинает дёргать туда-сюда, пока она не доедет до...

## Environment - Audio development kit: [ESP32-LyraT-Mini_v1.2] - Audio kit version (for ESP32-LyraT-Mini): [v1] - [Required] Module or chip used: [ESP32-WROVER-E] - [Required] IDF version: [v4.4.4-278-g3c8bc2213c] - [Required] ADF version:...

I use this library on a OrangePi 3 LTS board. When I try to run ```blink``` example it works fine. But when I try to run ```isr-osc``` example I get...

I converted a [Kinetic video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9WS0Nrg57Y) from YouTube into a gif file with my screen size 128 * 64 (I used this [service](https://ezgif.com/video-to-gif)). I display this gif file on the screen...