
Results 36 issues of OlegYch

Why not to use val field = context.get.getDeclaredField(props.get(name).get) val fieldInnerType = field.getGenericType.asInstanceOf[ParameterizedType].getActualTypeArguments()(0) instead of val field = context.get.getDeclaredField(props.get(name).get) val ann = field.getAnnotation(classOf[JSONTypeHint]) when determining types of elements in list field?...

not sure what runExecuteAction was for, but it's not called anywhere atm, so i removed it

http://prntscr.com/3kno2m it is always saved as test:products using 1.6.1 and idea 135.863

It would be really cool if idea was able to support completion in sbt console. Perhaps it would be eaiser to split the console view in two panes - one...


I.e. if I launch plugin console and enter a few commands then these commands will appear in scala console history. ![Screenshot](http://gyazo.com/0bf326df6507076d49ca531f9e591004.png) idea 120.11 plugin 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT


For a enum like this ``` "enum": [ "datetime", "-datetime" ] ``` guardrail will generate two objects with same name `Datetime`

the methods return `FullResponse` which has to be closed according to http://square.github.io/okhttp/3.x/okhttp/okhttp3/ResponseBody.html (if not consumed) this should probably be documented in `gigahorse.HttpClient` as this is the only public interface, although...

are there any plans to do that?

Please see https://github.com/scala/scala3/issues/19924 Minimized repro here https://github.com/OlegYch/magnolia-test Pretty sure this should be fixed in scala itself, though.