
Results 36 issues of OlegYch



currently only expressions are annotated with type info, we should do it for vals/defs as well

due to cryo mutating input arrays, it is not enough to isolate kryo/input/output this should probably be reflected in docs, as well as providing a way to transparently copy input...

https://scastie.scala-lang.org/OlegYch/BlI4CHhuSGOBXIQdlRJcwg/2 ``` import com.softwaremill.macwire._ case class Config(redis: Int) case class B(redis: Int) trait MacWireComponents2 { def int: Int lazy val config = wire[Config] lazy val b = { val redis...

https://github.com/scalacenter/scala3-migrate#fix-syntax-incompatibilities does not mention adding result types to anything, but it currently does via `ExplicitResultTypes` rule it looks like it should not because adding result types is not necessary to...

compare ``` new ByteArrayInputStream(Array[Byte](1,2,3,4)).asUnmanagedInput.bytes.partition(_ != 2) match {case(a,b) => (a.toList, b.toList)} ``` and ``` scalax.io.Resource.fromInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(Array[Byte](1,2,3,4))).bytes.partition(_ != 2) match {case(a,b) => (a.toList, b.toList)} ``` maybe it would be easier to...

Since typically flush is automatically performed on close, but close is not executed for unmanaged resources, it would be more consistent to execute flush.

``` object Test extends App { import java.io import collection.JavaConversions._ fout(new ProcessBuilder(Seq("ls", "~")).start().getInputStream) fout2(new ProcessBuilder(Seq("ls", "~")).start().getInputStream) def fout(fout: io.InputStream) { import scalax.io._ import JavaConverters._ println(fout.available()) val output = fout.asUnmanagedInput.lines(terminator =...

## steps sbt 1.4.0 - 1.9.6 start sbt and `run` something in it leave it running, doing nothing but waiting for input get an OOME ## problem `sbt.internal.util.Terminal.WriteableInputStream#readQueue` grows infinitely...


given code like this on "com.softwaremill.magnolia1_3" %% "magnolia" % "1.3.2" ``` def f[T] = magnolia1.Macro.typeInfo[T] f[List[Int]] ``` i get `TypeInfo(Playground.f,T,List())` instead this should either not compile or produce `TypeInfo(scala.collection.immutable,List,List(TypeInfo(scala,Int,List())))` compare...