after spending considerable effort to make it work (somewhat) on 2.11 i'm not sure if this is worth maintaining even for trivial code you'd hit bugs like this https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-8713 non-trivial...
ideaExtraTestConfigurations should fix that? though it doesn't appear in any published version...
could it be this http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-121781 ?
@robb1e can you please elaborate on how you get rid of this error, i am getting it even if i remove sbt-sources processor and do full clean
i'm having this exception with this project https://github.com/OlegYch/scalabot using sbt-idea-processor 0.4.0 not using any other processors or plugins...
any idea how to workaround this?
still fails a lot in 2.12.1 i'm on Windows 8
adding explicit type to `zStepFormat` seems to sidestep it
i can see in debug output that one of the params is wrapped in 'Deferred' when it fails, like this: ``` lazy val paramTypeclass$macro$15: MagnoliaFormatSchema.Typeclass[Int] = Deferred.apply[MagnoliaFormatSchema.Typeclass[Int]]("paramTypeclass$macro$3"); ``` it's always...