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Enum references across .proto files not working properly

Open gmalouf opened this issue 11 years ago • 3 comments

Create a file 'file1.proto' and define a message as follows:

//Assume all normal package and protoc options message CommonEnumMessage { enum CommonEnum { ALPHA= 0; BETA = 1; GAMMA = 2; } }

Now create a file 'file2.proto' with the following:

import file1.proto

message TestMessage { required CommonEnumMessage.CommonEnum test = 1; }

This results in generated code for TestMessage which does not compile because CommonEnum itself is treated as a normal message.

gmalouf avatar May 28 '13 22:05 gmalouf


OlegYch avatar Aug 21 '14 14:08 OlegYch

Sorry for neglecting the issue, I'm very busy with some projects, I'll try to fix this when I find a few hours.

SandroGrzicic avatar Aug 21 '14 14:08 SandroGrzicic


nefilim avatar Dec 04 '14 17:12 nefilim