Oleg Jakushkin
Oleg Jakushkin
### Features Suggestion: please make C++ Windows Releases. ### Issues It is hard to [build ](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/OlegJakushkin/vizdoom) for Windows, yet it is possible. I had to[ change 6 files ](https://github.com/OlegJakushkin/ViZDoom/blob/master/.appveyor.yml)for it...
So I wonder if I created an image based on footloose Ubuntu base image I could run it as normal docker image (starting it with docker api) and have systemd...
Is there a python API or compatible with Docker SDK for Python? A fork or something way to connect Ignite API and use it instead of Docker one in Docker...
[Horizon Chart (with source code)](https://observablehq.com/@d3/realtime-horizon-chart) seems like a perfect addition to wavedrom capable to represent math functions and arbitrary data values. I wonder is it possible and how one can...
So I see how we get heading, pitch, roll. How to get position updates?
So I have a large object - a sphere with a radius 900 and spherical dents on it of radius 0.001. There are two issues for me all related to...
I created a new `.ipynb` notebook. With only one cell in it. I want to add points on slider drag. So I wrote this: ```python #Based on https://docs.pyvista.org/examples/01-filter/poly-ray-trace.html#sphx-glr-examples-01-filter-poly-ray-trace-py # and...
I have coordinates of a point on the view (X, Y). How to cast a ray from (X, Y) camera screen view into scene space?
There is a desprate need in modern ZMQ 4.1 wrapper. Please add it.
Example graph: ``` digraph D { subgraph cluster_p { label = "Parent"; subgraph cluster_c1 { label = "Child one"; a; subgraph cluster_gc_1 { label = "Grand-Child one"; b; } subgraph...