First off, great project! :) When trying to set up my own server, noticed a bunch of references to pogobag.me[+user].. since we're running these locally, the hostname (and port) should...
For those of us who don't like white backgrounds. :)
'whenever' creates crontab entry, but does not account for path of 'bundle' command -- cron throwing file-not-found errors ( RAILS_ENV=production /root/.rbenv/shims/bundle exec ...)
While trying to install this on Ubuntu, I noticed that during 'bundle install', it needs: - postgresql server - psqlite3 - libsqlite3-dev which I didn't have installed, and they weren't...
Since the 0.43.x API was released not so long ago (https://github.com/pogodevorg/pgoapi), any chance of updating the ruby version? (necessary for PoGoBag :) )