PoGoBag copied to clipboard
static references to 'pogobag.me' and other static issues
First off, great project! :)
When trying to set up my own server, noticed a bunch of references to pogobag.me[+user].. since we're running these locally, the hostname (and port) should probably be defined in a config file and all static references to 'pogobag.me' should reference the config parameter.
Also the copy-clipboard-button field becomes rather small (depending on the hostname/url to copy) (155px) should probably be dynamic (or something).
Lastly, donation link is set to you (which I can sort of understand). Might want to make it configurable/hide-able.
You can see some rebranding and relocation changes in https://github.com/xrobau/PoGoBag/commit/b1f3db56b572898c90aeafcba2ba6f1b68b291d1
I don't like the idea of removing the Donate button though, I've explicitly left it there, but changed the wording slightly.