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Open-source high performance AXI4-based HyperRAM memory controller


OpenHBMC is an open-source AXI4-based high performance HyperBus memory controller for Xilinx 7-series FPGAs. IP-core is packed for easy Vivado 2020.2 block design integration.


  • Supports HyperRAM 1.0 and HyperRAM 2.0
  • Supports 3.3V & 1.8V power modes
  • Supports AXI4 data width of 16/32/64-bit
  • Supports AXI4 address width up to 64-bit
  • Supports all AXI4 burst types and sizes:
    • AXI4 INCR burst sizes up to 256 data beats (long transfers are automatically splitted into parts to meet maximum CS# low limitation)
    • AXI4 FIXED bursts are treated as INCR burst type
    • AXI4 WRAP bursts of 2, 4, 8, 16 data beats
  • Supports HyperBUS frequency up to 200MHz
  • No need to make any kind of calibration with new DRU (data recovery module)
  • Resource utilization: 781-LUT, 975-FF, 1-RAMB36E1 (RAMB36E1 = 2 x RAMB18E1)

How to use:

  1. Download and copy the OpenHBMC folder with all entire files to your local IP-repo directory.
  2. Open Vivado and click Tools - Settings - IP - Repository, click "+" to add a path to your IP-repo directory, click "Refresh All".
  3. Now OpenHBMC will appear in IP-catalog and may be avaliable both for standalone or block design integration.


  • Successfully passes memory test at 200MHz (i.e. < 400MB/s) on a real hardware (Spartan-7 + W956D8MBYA5I)
  • Running heavy load tests, using several AXI traffic generators.


  • ~~Achieve 200MHz HyperBus clock frequency.~~ DONE.
  • ~~Add advanced RWDS strobe delay calibration procedure.~~ DONE. No more calibration needed.
  • ~~Helloworld example project.~~ DONE.
  • Add command queuing to maximize HyperRAM bus utilization.
  • Replace Xilinx FIFOs IP cores with custom FIFOs.
  • Add AXI4-Lite slave port for configuration registers access.
  • Add multi-bank (commom data bus) modes to increase memory bandwidth. Dual or Quad rank modes?
  • Add HyperFlash support.
  • Formal verification.


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