Simon Waddington
Simon Waddington
Your example of a well structured URL: >[email protected]/inbox in [URL Structure]( includes PII in the URL which is prohibited in [PII parameters](
The example code for `sqrt` didn't run when copy-pasted to a console. This change uses `math.abs` and `math.pow` instead of just `abs` and `square` so it does.
RFC-3339 supports fractional seconds as does the ISO-8601 but the regexp being used for validation of timestamp strings did not allow them for a TJSON timestamp value. Technically the [RFC-3339...
I'm trying to import a 800+ item list and I keep getting random network errors resolving an address during the import. Not sure if it is my network, or someone...
When you discuss rules for law enforcement officers you say they have the same rules as everyone else, but then you make it sound like that only applies when they...
My guess is there would be very few networks of more than the minimum size because it increases the risk of network failure. Yes a larger network has way more...
For a table with this schema: ``` CREATE TABLE geo_views ( city STRING(MAX) NOT NULL, client_id INT64 NOT NULL, date DATE NOT NULL, domain STRING(MAX) NOT NULL, url STRING(MAX) NOT...
I found another case where the parser blows up because of parens in the query. This time it is a `regexp_contains` value provided via a query parameter. The same query...
When attempting to access an item of an array in a query using syntax that is accepted in interactive SQL console we get a parsing error from `` ``` ERROR...
I tried to use the driver with Scala Play Framework but to support the "evolutions" (aka "migrations") feature Play creates tables with DDL using types incompatible with Spanner's eg. ```...