Norman Black
Norman Black
Many recipes in Fresh Meat are missing the (JA) "CanPurchase": true, field in the recipe description. Without this they are never purchasable. Thus you cannot complete the tab in the...
I think the recipe should use a Large Goat milk for input. The Espresso Machine Cappuccino recipe requires a regular Goat Milk. This is restrictive in general since Goats after...
The cake pops recipe is restricted to only accepting a small egg. A small white egg no less. I believe the item should accept any egg using the egg category...
The better recipe only works with a small/regular milk. It will not work with a large milk. Given it does not take much time for cows to only produce Large...
The rules for the DNA Synthesizer with chicken egg, duck egg or duck feather as input cannot result in chicken or duck DNA. Only the alternate output is the result....
Long story short. They (Crab and Lobster) are not processed by the canning machine. The Producer rules show separate items for generic "fish" (-4) and crab pot fish. The crab...
I believe the Frog DNA [JA] object definition should have "EnableWithMod": "spacechase0.BugNet", included. Just like other Bug Net "critters" object definitions. I see no mechanism to get anything frog without...