_Edit by Marc: This comment has been recorded and will not be tolerated under the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. Please read it before discussing and contributing to the Titan...
You inject using a DLL injector [CSGhost is what I use](https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/cs-go-releases/408519-csghost-v2-trusted-bypassing-injector.html) edit: close thread
https://github.com/AnterGhost/chameleon-ng-linux Note: Its probably outdated to hell so you'll have to fix a few things most likely
If you're using skins on the account you want to record videos on you could edit your items_game.txt, granted you would spend more time doing this than you would spend...
He explained how to do it... "You need to change to [hook all players instead of one](https://github.com/namazso/nSkinz/blob/master/src/nSkinz.cpp#L64), and apply skins on players based on xuid, since you are no longer...
> > you mean this? > > > > 1. download source code and compile it > > 2. run csgo and inject the cheat > > 3. In VS...