## What Document process for creating release notes for Prototype Kit releases ## Why To: - clarify roles - set timeframes - introduce clearance of final notes ## Who Content...
## What Review privacy policy for GOV.UK Prototype Kit website: ## Why Privacy policy has not been updated for some time and still references EEA. ## Who needs to...
## What How users update to a new version of the Prototype Kit is changing in version 13 because of changes to the update script. ## Why Now that changes...
## What Tell users about GOV.UK Prototype v13.0.0 - major breaking release ## Why So users know what changes, features and fixes have been released and impact on prototypes ##...
## What Create release notes for GOV.UK Prototype v13.0.0 (breaking release) The completion of the step by step work means all outstanding issues from the accessibility audit have been fixed...
## What With the fix for step by step completed in release v13.0.0, the documentation site is now accessible with all outstanding issues from the accessibility audit addressed and fixed....
## What With the fix for step by step completed in release v13.0.0, the documentation site is now accessible with all outstanding issues from the accessibility audit addressed and fixed....
## What Publish updated guidance for Prototype Kit update instructions ## Why How updates happen is changing with version 13.0.0 of the Kit ## Who ## Done when - [...
## What Update guidance for backwards compatibility on the website ## Why With version 13.0.0 we will be removing support for v6 backwards compatibility mode ## Who ## Done when...
## What We will be removing backwards compatibility in the next breaking release - v13.0.0. The guidance for backwards compatibility needs updating: ## Why The instructions say you will...