Noah Cardoso
Noah Cardoso
> 3. In drasil-data, create a new file called CommonChunks.hs and create a basic ChunkDB in it containing all earlier found, shared acronyms (which should all originate from drasil-data, anyway)....
`stan` progress update. Steps 1 and 2 from Jason's list have been completed. The problem is just fixing `stan` suggestions. The two most prevalent are: - Adding strict data expressions....
Currently, both `stan` and `weeder` have been added to the makefile and the 'Infix operators lacking fixity' `stan` issue mentioned in the opening comment has been fixed. I think adding...
I am currently checking out all of the unused code found by `weeder` (if you run make weeder it will show you any unused code). Some of it such as...
It is still manual. Weeder (weeder reports what code is not used) will need a further look as just because we don't use a piece of code doesn't mean it...
I have some ideas for better names. Change ParameterChunk with Param since Parameter is already used. Remove the Chunk off of CodeVarChunk and CodeChunk, I feel these are the most...
@samm82 since all the Chunks are built from IdeaDict would it be more fitting to just replace Chunk with Idea? Except for ConceptChunk which I think would make sense to...
My mistake I will re-open the issue
@samm82 would changing UncertainChunk to Uncertainty be better? Also do you want all of the Chunks to be nouns? I changed ParameterChunk to Param, UnitalChunk to Unital, UnitaryChunk to Unit,...
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