
Results 12 issues of Nitin123-4

Hi , I am getting following error while installing salmon: [ 86%] Linking CXX executable unitTests ../../external/install/lib/libstaden-read.a(libstaden_read_la-open_trace_file.o): In function `find_file_url': open_trace_file.c:(.text+0xd30): warning: the use of `tempnam' is dangerous, better use...

Is there any formula to get below from Manta VCF: Alt_Depth BP1_Depth BP2_Depth Total_Depth VAF Example Manta VCF: chr2 | 42522715 | MantaBND:1695:1:5:0:0:0:1 | C | C]chr2:29447256] | . |...

Hi I am running pathfindR with default parameters with 10 iterations and it is taking 10 n_processes as n_processes was set to NULL. Can you please help how many CPUS...

Hi Team, I did the required settings for funannotate to use mysql i.e. It is running fine with 12 cpus. funannotate update -i Genome_funannotate_train/ --cpus 12 --pasa_db mysql Any...

Hi team, I can see funannotate clean takes a lot of time, no cpu option to make it faster? Thanks.

Hi team, As we know that funannoate runs with multiple cpus, but a lot of steps in between runs in parallel. A lot of times it gives memory related errors....

Hi, I am trying to generate a synteny/orthology figure for a family of genes among 4 species of interest. The genes within each of these species code for proteins belonging...

Is it possible to plot fusions from other tools like: fusioncatcher, puzzly, squid etc.?

I am running it in slurm with : srun --nodes=1 --cpus-per-task=20 --ntasks-per-node=1 --mem=30000M -I --np 10 --mem 5000 -o SampleName_methratio.txt -d $genome_fasta bam.bam > SampleName.bam_mr.log but I am getting...

Funannotate final gff3 has only one transcript information per gene. It doesn't provide alternative splicing/isoforms in the gff file?