Nick Kennedy
Nick Kennedy
Another workaround is to use `ggsave("plot.pdf", survminer:::.buildggsurvplot(my_plot))`. I think it's worth considering making `survminer:::.buildggsurvplot(my_plot)` an exported function since it is useful at times to be able to get the resultant...
@fittken Did @ShixiangWang's response answer your issue?
How would you propose scaling the points? I understand for a meta-analysis forest plot, but not one for a `glm`.
Happy to review suggested code (or even just a suggested algorithm for calculating point size).
Hi @larmarange, @ShixiangWang, I've not been very active in maintaining this package for a while because of being busy with other things, but I'm still aiming to get to the...
@larmarange I've made a new branch that has a simple implementation of this at You can test it using `remotes::install_github("NikNakk/forestmodel@labels")`
@larmarange please let me know when you've had a chance to test this out.
I’ll have a look at interaction terms when I get a chance. `gtsummary` looks like a good starting point. For now I’ve merged the labels branch into master and need...
FYI, this version is now on CRAN.
Sorry for the delayed response, @proshano and @corneliushennch. Could you please give me some example code that doesn't work as expected? I'm still planning to work on interaction terms since...