Shad Storhaug

Results 300 comments of Shad Storhaug

Actually, this sounds like the same problem I had when trying to create database driven views. I managed to work it out though - it is because when compiling the...

Please take a look at v4: Caching is no longer done internally as we are no longer using the Microsoft implementation of SiteMapProvider. There is a new interface ISiteMapCache...

@Kizmar I just completed the prerelease Nuget packages today and they can be acquired at this feed: Simply put that URL in the settings of your Nuget package manager...

@Kizmar FYI - v4 is now available (still prerelease) in the Nuget public feed. We could use some feedback whether there are still issues to be resolved so we can...

Help me out people. I am having trouble understanding exactly what is being requested here. The first 2 posts had a couple of examples: - I need to show different...

> On a side note: can a dynamic node provider be used to generate a series of dynamic nodes, containing a user id as an attribute? Next, the visibilityprovider can...

Planning...yes. However, I don't have a lot of time to dedicate to MvcSiteMapProvider at present. I also have a policy not to install any pre-release software on my dev boxes,...

I agree that it will be best to use the cross-platform .NET core, and not have any dependencies on `System.Web`. And since `MvcSiteMapProvider` is a web-only framework, I don't think...

# Update I have been doing research on this subject and have made some headway. However, after spending 2 days attempting to reuse the current code base and make a...

Sure, I'd like to see what you came up with. Although based on what I am seeing in the AspNet project, it might make the most sense to make navigation...