Shad Storhaug

Results 300 comments of Shad Storhaug

First of all, query string parameters are not part of routing - MVC does not add them into the RouteValueCollection. But that is not the only issue with this expectation....

It is unclear what you mean by "throwing it away" at this point. If you could provide a code sample of what you did as a workaround it would help...

MVC always runs `AuthorizeAttribute` in the context of the current page, so there it makes sense to use the current context and pass in the route values and query string...

> Node has many additional attributes. Most used to create url as routevalues. Only Id and parameters with route configuration can be used in authorization attribute. Why? Why behavior depends...

I was able to track down one of the issues with this, but I am unable to work out how to make the ValueProvider function. I went through the source...

Well, attribute routes just get registered as routes in the end, so they work exactly the same way. You will need either upgrade to MVC5 or use the open source...

@NBONDEZANMERRION I am not sure how you would expect that to work. The 2 methods you mention are equivalent to a 1-1 relationship and a 1-many relationship. ``` xml ```...

I am not sure what your goal is, but what you are doing is creating a _catch-all placeholder_ (this is not called permalink routing). When you do that, you are...

I took a look and it seems that `IHierarchialEnumerable` could be supported. It has a single member, `GetHierarchyData()` which returns a `IHierarchyData` type. `IHierarchyData` has 2 methods and 4 properties,...

4.6.18 was a patch version. We are trying to respect [semantic versioning]( as much as possible, but the reality is this fix will require changes that will break existing external...