If the reason you want to install it is so you can use yt-dlp, there is an option to skip this requirement
> > If the reason you want to install it is so you can use yt-dlp, there is an option to skip this requirement > > How?
> While is would be nice to have pycryptodomex in the meantime this is straight from the yt-dlp README and works great on a-shell: > > " On some systems...
> # A messy, one-line solution > This works for me (for hiding the onscreen keyboard): `jsi -wc 'if (!window.b) { window.b = document.createElement("button"); document.body.appendChild(b); } b.focus()'` > > `jsi`...
thank you tried this, nothing happened this time either
yes - this is exactly as you mentioned, i tried on my iphone and it worked for the first time. then it would not. so i closed the app and...
> I think this is a bug -- I'm reporting the issue. thank you. not only did your code make my workflow easier, you also found a cause of a...
Thank you, that's perfect. Hide Keyboard was my main wish and a reason for my post, so that is sufficient enough for me.
Hi, this is fantastic. I tried it both with my manual commands and in my workflows using shortcuts, and it works great. Thank you
i did some testing to see when that happens. it happens everytime i restart my device. bookmarks disappear and i get this jump: [bookmark] not found