
Results 43 issues of NightFright2k19

- Deactivate wind effects when not outdoors (e.g. greenhouse, dungeons) - .NET 5.0 and x64 support

[As mentioned in the ZDoom forums](, Heretic's BARBACK should be extended from 402x42 to 426x42 (an additional 12px on each side).

The WT commentary recordings are rather low volume, which is bad since they should be louder than anything else while playing, including music. In order to avoid tampering with your...

The xoffset value for tile 5129 in e32wt_content.def isn't correct. Instead of `tilefromtexture 5129 { xoffset 15 }` it should be `tilefromtexture 5129 { xoffset 31 }` This has been...

It should be possible to switch weapons while reloading SG/SSG and then switch back with the reload/pump action process resuming right where you left off. This feature can be seen...

Quakespasm comes with a few z-fighting fixes for some ID1 maps. I have just [released a project here]( which provides a much wider range of these (and other) fixes for...

Now that brightmaps are in, our bodies are absolutely ready. If it takes ages to implement - so be it.


When setting cg_drawweaponselect to 3 or -3, eventually the weapon bar will grow so long that it will extend into the area where pickup messages (for ammo, armor etc) at...

Simple question: How do bigchars.cfg and numbers.cfg (in gfx/2d) work? What needs to be done in the config if you want to add a 2048x2048 character sheet, for example?

With an existing map rotation in rotation.txt, it is currently not possible to resume where you left off if you end the game during the rotation and later jump back...