Nicolas Petton

Results 65 comments of Nicolas Petton

There's no support for manually adding transactions, as it would defeat the purpose of Elbank, which is exactly not to do any manual bookkeeping :) However, the `categories` branch (which...

@juliusdelta what about adding support for your bank to Weboob instead?

Hi! I've also used ledger for a long time, and the idea behind this project was to avoid doing any bookkeeping: scrap bank account data, display reports, and be done....

Interesting! Since you seem to be a heavy ledger user, could you tell me how you would like a ledger backend to work with elbank? I'm thinking about selecting accounts...

This is currently not possible, and would probably require a significant amount of work. One possibly less challenging way of doing this could be to have support for exporting in...

@diego898 I think it would definitely fit the scope of the project.

Hi @ndarilek, thanks for the suggestion, I will make sure Projectify is more accessible.

@diego898 How would you like it to work? Today scheduled todos are sorted by due date and listed first, prioritized ones are displayed below, while other todos order will depend...

This has been bugging me for a while, and I'm not sure how to fix it TBH. Any suggestion?

> However, I tried using it for stuff at home and I noticed that I have a lot of recurring tasks (like watering the plants, cleaning, calling grandma). Are there...