Nicolas Ducoulombier
Nicolas Ducoulombier
In the user profil card on account/home we show extra field of users. Those extra fields can be translated. The translation is added in the .po file but are not...
When creating a new message, the title field is circled in red to see that it is required, but if we send the message without putting a title it gets...
There are question that are related to a quiz but that do never appear in this quiz. What happens is the in Chamilo 1.11.x some question are getting relations with...
In Chamilo master on the 2024/04/10 when doing a migration we get an error that block the migration. Just by launching the migration again it works and it is getting...
If you set an expiration date for an account, then in the admin user list if the date is passed you can see a clock icon in the active field....
On Chamilo Master of 20240405 when editing a LP the list of item on the right handside can be moved around in the right column. It should not be possible....
At the moment if you select a tool in the configuration option "Tool visible at course creation" ( then when you create a course the tool is visible or invisible...
On the exercise statistics there is an icon to show "Report by question"  It opens the page /main/exercise/stats.php that shows the list of questions and for each question a...
In the edition of the parameter of a LP the lp_author field should not be compulsory. And also if you set a value to this field, when you come back...
In Chamilo Master you can include a survey in a LP. When including a survey in a LP the student automatically gain access to the survey because it is included...