I think it should be ++C
> So... are you saying the compiler/interpreter should respect comments? no, it means it should return a different result depending on the number of ! characters
Same issue here
Was able to fix manually by changing every "texture2D" in a .vsh or .fsh file to just "texture"
Also, I think there should be a way to configure the range of the experimental version back down to 40, cause otherwise performance takes too big of a hit. (In...
Hmm, maybe we could have a multi-step rewrite for this? (just an idea I thought of for how the code would work) So it would first turn that into ```...
Temporary workaround: add a `break` statement. ```ts switch ($switch_var) { case 0: execute run $result = 0; case 1: execute run $result = 1; case 2: execute run { $result...
Try `$ $uwu = namespace.$(owo):@s;`?
Also known as "positional arguments"