For RDP connection "guac_socket_tcp_connect" don't work. Function "guac_wol_wake_and_wait" allways wait "wait_time" seconds. I found error. Function guac_itoa for port number "3389" return 338. Correct text for guac_itoa: int guac_itoa(char* restrict...
I don't have any other changes. С наилучшими пожеланиями, Николай В.Степин Директор информационной службы ООО "Декор" ***@***.***> ***@***.*** +7(495) 789-6270 д.3108 Post hoc, non est propter hoc. From: Virtually...
> Thanks @NickVStepin! A couple of minor updates requested, here, and one thing that I'd like Mike's feedback on. > > Also, the title of the Pull Request, as well...