All of these would be good for their own reason. Just so long as there's a way to answer a new call, with global hotkeys, and create a new conference...
I had to recreate it, but I did do so. I unfortunately had to do it live fire, so the log is a little large. Pay attention to anything involving...
Nope, it's still just as bad, possibly worse. Falback immediately disconnects, whereas you might, in the past, have gotten a burst of the fallback mount. Log is here.
OK, I'll put KH back on the system and check it in real conditions. Along a similar line, mainline Icecast will redirect to a fallback file if someone connects to...
Thank you very much...Just to make sure I understand this, the file name should be fallback-192].mp3?
This appears to have been fixed. I will wait a week to see if any of my usual listeners report issues before I close this bug.
I should also like to note a few quality of life points... * The tabs across the bottom are not proper tabs, but buttons, and very small ones at that....