Cannot update - PPA are not exist for Jammi (22.04)
Thank You! Update OK Tray Icon still is absent Log is empty
CopyQ use Application Indicator or System Tray - in Ubuntu ? And what version Qt it use ?
But I use Xubuntu (not KDE) - are there all required packages supported?
Or may be there is exist this soft version for Thunderbird e-mail client ?
And what about this problem ?
I install plugin "Better BibTex for Zotero" - it created "citekey" and I use this "citekey" to insert citation in another program. But this "citekey" is translit author-name and book-name...
**egh** Without "format-bibliography" and with "q=(citekey)" - all OK. With "format-bibliography" and with "q=(citekey)": > $ curl 'http://localhost:23119/zotxt/search?q=__2017&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&format=bibliography' > > csl is nullTypeError: csl is null > buildBibliographyResponse/responseData jar:file:///home/nick/.zotero/zotero/d2f53sy5.default/extensions/[email protected]!/bootstrap.js:220:9 >...
**egh** When use code-query author-name (%D0%9C%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2) instead citekey - without bibliography - OK, with bibliography - see errors above.
**egh** OK - now good But I cannot cite in Zim by write non-Latin author-name or book-name - because citekeys are in Latin only...?