Nick Lucas

Results 46 issues of Nick Lucas

We need some appropriate callbacks and params which can be passed to rendered elements in order to support transitions. For instance those supported by [MUI Modal's]( Something roughly along these...

Package: Imperative Render

### Current Behavior 1. Generate a new react app: `pnpm nx g @nx/react:app testapp --bundler=rspack` 2. Select Yes to add React Router (or say no, it makes no difference if...

type: bug

Currently the rspack plugin seems not to support `process` out of the box, so the normal configuration approach of .env files in Nx does not work.

A common pattern with Nx is to have a library with its imports not in the main `index.ts`, this is achieved just by adding a glob path to `tsconfig.json` ```json...

This bug was discovered in the research under #10 and is caused by Mono.Cecil trying to resolve the .dll for a second order dependency, when the value of a compile...

Closes # ## 🎯 Changes What changes are made in this PR? Is it a feature or a bug fix? ## ✅ Checklist - [ ] I have followed the...