Nick Lucas

Results 46 issues of Nick Lucas

### Area of Improvement The quickstart guide could use some detail in a number of areas which aren't mentioned yet, and to go deeper in some existing areas. I plan...

📚 documentation / examples

When using Mouse Presence, we attach a mouse listener to the ReactFlow element and then need to transform the client coordinates to flow coordinates for dispatch. This requires the use...

feature request

### Is there an existing issue for this? - [X] I have searched the existing issues ### Describe the bug When building an app within an Nx monorepo, with pnpm,...


Closes #5659 ## 🎯 Changes What changes are made in this PR? Is it a feature or a bug fix? ## ✅ Checklist - [ ] I have followed the...

Closes # ## 🎯 Changes What changes are made in this PR? Is it a feature or a bug fix? ## ✅ Checklist - [ ] I have followed the...

Closes # ## 🎯 Changes What changes are made in this PR? Is it a feature or a bug fix? ## ✅ Checklist - [ ] I have followed the...

### Describe the feature you'd like to request added support for FormData and Blob/File/Uint8array Octet Streams, but only in the node-http adapters (standalone, express, nextjs) Other adapters only received...

🙋‍♂️ help wanted
👉 good first issue
👋 free for all
✅ accepted-PRs-welcome
👀 good second issue

### Area of Improvement implements content-type handlers for FormData and Octet data, but only in [specific adapters](, and for v11 we need docs for all this * We need...

📚 documentation / examples
🙋‍♂️ help wanted
👉 good first issue
✅ accepted-PRs-welcome

### Area of Improvement A lot of new users are unsure how to get their services, orms, api clients, etc, into their procedures. There are only 2-3 vanilla tRPC options...

📚 documentation / examples