Nick Lucas

Results 46 issues of Nick Lucas

Projects with a TS version older than 4.7 or 4.8 (unsure) are not able to work properly right now, it may be possible to compile several TS versions at once...

Package: LightType

1. Currently the folders are under /src/lib/validators which isn't ergonomic 2. webpack fails to load sourcemaps in these folders with an error like: ``` WARNING in ../../../node_modules/@gapstack/light-type/src/lib/validators/strings.js Module Warning (from...

Package: LightType

Error messages need to be customisable. * Add a definitive union literal of error types and attach them to LightTypeError throws Provide a way to configure, ie: * Add add...

Package: LightType

useRender right now will only append to the renderer. There are cases where more config is needed like moving through a multi-step flow, or opening modals, where only one thing...

Package: Imperative Render

Currently any hot-reload will reset the rendered elements, but this must be fixable.

Package: Imperative Render

Many use cases don't need a special container root or portal exit. it would save some effort to use a standard one defined at the top of the application

Package: Imperative Render

Imperative render maintains internal run-time state, but on the web state is often wanted in query-params, localstorage, or redux as some examples. Allow instances to be configured with a custom...

Package: Imperative Render

- A convention-based documentation generator which can be given a set of markdown and .tsx files, and create doc pages with live examples - a typed react-router "routes" generator which...

Package: Imperative Render

Libraries like Notistack let you configure a limit to the elements display, this requires: * A Queue * Not starting timeouts until an element is first rendered

Package: Imperative Render