We have method ` serveEvent.getStubMapping().getResponse().getJsonBody()` it could be 'null' and we have ` serveEvent.getStubMapping().getResponse().getJsonBody().toPrettyString()` In first method we can dont care about NPE, but if we want prettyPrine we should...
How i cant turn off logs about this? 2021-11-23T16:05:14.651994661Z 2021-11-23 16:05:14.651 Admin request received: 2021-11-23T16:05:14.652046422Z - GET /settings 2021-11-23T16:05:14.652053960Z 2021-11-23T16:05:14.652058917Z Accept: [*/*] 2021-11-23T16:05:14.652064124Z User-Agent: [curl/7.74.0] 2021-11-23T16:05:14.652068721Z Host: [localhost:52250] 2021-11-23T16:05:14.652073397Z...
Hello. I have a project when we stubbing AND xml files and JSON files together with standalone server. When we pushing stubs by api in logs i see that `Warning:...
You have , but we really need same feature for xml, please
Hi. I even don't know what to show. When I put annotation on single test - is ok, but when I use on Parametrized test it doesn't work :( ```java...
```java public class Account_1 { CurrencyType currencyType; } public class CurrencyType_1 { Currency currency; String description; } public enum Currency_1 { USD("Dollar") } --------------------------------- public class Account_2 { CurrencyType currencyType;...
Hello, when i start allure:report / allure:serve its downloads .allure commandline to baseDir. Its redunant i think and it should be in AllureFramework lib. Isnt it? So now, i must...
### What happened? If I put testStep into CompletableFuture I get errors and it doesn't execute ``` @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Test @DisplayName("Some test") void case_33() { SetUppreconditions(); List futureList = new ArrayList();...
Please, add follow: 1. ${json-unit.current-date.format:yyyy-MM-dd} - current date and change format 2. ${json-unit.current-date.DAYS#+1} - take current date and add some days, hours, or monthes 3. ${json-unit.current-date.DAYS#+1.format:yyyy-MM-dd} - take current date...
Please, create instruction how to run in GitLab