mate, I think it is impossible for Mr Wang Xuan may not make any changes and respond to any questions. How about using the Xilinx vivado software?
To be honest, I have met this problem when I use 32gb sdhc uhs-1 which is made by sandisk. My problems is that it is always stuck in the ACMD41....
大佬好,一个月之期已到,我想您应该有些时间了,我是这么解决acmd41问题的,使用256mb 初代版本老sdcard,我发现一切运行正常(可以正常读取文件并且显示文本),所以我怀疑是sdcmd_ctrl.sv对SDHC/XC 2.0代码的部分修改导致了acmd41的bug出现,我建议代码可以增加一些注释并且补上状态图,一个假期看的真的是脑子痛的厉害 祝您学业进步或是工作顺利!!! 
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Module : sd_reader // Type : synthesizable, IP's top // Standard: SystemVerilog 2005 (IEEE1800-2005) // Function: A SD-host to initialize SDcard and read sector // Compatibility: CardType :...
Here is another bug in the last cell of softmax-regression-concise.ipynb d2l.train_ch3(net, train_iter, test_iter, loss, num_epochs, trainer) Here is the bug detail ************** AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last) [](https://localhost:8080/#) in...