~~Because host permissions were moved to their own option in the manifest file, Manifestv3 no longer provides a way to specify optional host permissions.~~ ~~ ~~ ~~Explanation Edit:~~ ~~Currently, this...
~~`` does nothing in a service worker~~ ~~ ~~(setting `saveAs: false` "fixes" this, but `saveAs: true` is needed.)~~ ~~edit: the existing workaround of using fetch() and downloading the resultant blob...
~~service workers have no access to a `window` object and its associated functions, of which this extension uses several, notably `window.DOMParser`~~ edit: I was able to quickly replace all window...
~~Since v102, badge text is now black instead of white; kerning also seems a bit off and this appears to only affect manifest v3 extensions so I've listed it here.~~...
Chrome's extension API doesn't allow for the direct installation of other extensions so chromium-web-store uses a hack to install them (opening the CRX in a new tab and letting your...
Is this on macOS?
I don't have a macOS system available to reproduce this, but it seems likely this is caused by another extension modifying the store page in some way. Does it still...
I am unable to reproduce this issue, but many similar issues have been reported in the past. The problem is typically caused by your browser. `.qjz9zk` domains are the result...
Have you set the `chrome://flags/#extension-mime-request-handling` flag to `Always prompt for install`?
I'm not sure if this is helpful but I believe all requests to `chrome.9oo91e.qjz9zk` are blocked in ungoogled-chromium. I don't know why you are being redirected to this domain though,...