when i install refacer after roop. then roop dont work anymore. then i installed roop again. when i do this refacer dont work anymore: i think it has something to...
guy what type of program is that, i maximized scale and its still so small, impossible to use on a 4k resolution. not even able to maximize or resize the...
### Expected Behavior want to open compfyUI with a default clean workspace. ### Actual Behavior it always opens a workflow which i messed up installing, cant get rid of it....
this is really cool. thank you
hey bro, is there a way to use this tool as an videoplayer for bad quality films. letz say i have a bad video with low resolution, and i want...
comon bro. we need windows/powershell support.
hello, how can i use this models in ollama, can you give me some tutorial link or somthing ? thank you
Hey, i am getting error while trying to install TTS. I tried differnt python version, also in venv environment, i installed spacey spearately, i checken my c++ compiler is working....
Hello everyone, I’m looking for an xTTS tool that I can use universally on my desktop. I want to be able to highlight text, whether in a browser or, for...
thanks. any hotkeys or how do i use tts ?