⑆ Neveda ⑈

Results 90 comments of ⑆ Neveda ⑈

Hey @joe733 this is a good question! 💜 In technology the word _format_ has many meanings, and sometimes it's used to mean both _code formatting_ or _to prettify_ (rustfmt, gofmt);...

I think it's an interesting line, and it goes along the discussion of what `tectonic` should include. I believe @pkgw already phrased it neatly, see: https://github.com/tectonic-typesetting/tectonic/issues/893#issuecomment-1287514236 TeX Live is a...

Hey @bradcarman, I've personally never worked with attached files on PDF before, could you provide a MWE and which PDF viewer you're using that supports them?

@bradcarman I got some time to check this with Adobe Acrobat DC Tecctonic already includes the `attachfile` package in our last 2022 bundle. When compiling with either `tectonic -p` or...

Thanks, yes I can reproduce the issue with Firefox. Using `attachfile` and `attachfile2` work with other LaTeX engines, but not with tectonic. I've checked and `shell-escape` is not needed for...

Hey @aquohn thx for the issue! 💜 Can I suggest using the `search-path` option to workaround your issue? Remove `../` from `\addbibresource` and then compile with `tectonic -Z search-path=../ test.tex`...

@vlasakm Thanks a lot!

Hey @mskblackbelt! I believe experimental features like those enabled with `-Z` are not configurable through `Tectonic.toml` but I'm not 100% sure if I'm recalling it properly. 😅 I'd ping @pkgw...

@aquohn You're right! I share your love for `latexmk`, is an incredible convenient tool and it'd be awesome if tectonic had smoother edges so it had all the `latexmk` niceties...

@9SMTM6 I had almost forgotten about `minted`! Could you provide me me a MWE to test it?