⑆ Neveda ⑈

Results 90 comments of ⑆ Neveda ⑈

Hey @goyalyashpal thx for the issue! 🩵 Could you provide a MWE for me to test things out? Also could you share the output when using `xelatex`?

So far I can't reproduce on macOS/Linux, maybe @vlasakm has some ideas;)

@goyalyashpal so far only `\inputminted{psql}{test.psql}` compiles, and both `\inputminted{psql -F keywordcase:case=upper}{test.psql}` and `\inputminted{"psql -F keywordcase:case=upper"}{test.psql}` seem to fail.

We've been discussing it over https://github.com/tectonic-typesetting/tectonic/issues/986 🚀

Reminds me of something I use everyday: `latexmk`'s `-pvc` option! I'd love if it came with a short flag (e. g. `-l`: live mode). I believe live compilation and preview...

Under macOS the reader Skim behaves in the same way.

@aarmn the behavior under macOS is the following: 1. `tectonic -X watch -x "build --open"` will open the `Preview.app` 2. Doing changes makes it reload on the fly, even if...

I really like this idea! 🚀 In the Rust world there is [`cargo vendor`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/commands/cargo-vendor.html), that will download the dependencies for a project into a directory. While the idea can be...

Hey @LuckyTurtleDev, thanks for the interesting issue! I believe it's a topic that has ramifications so I'm going to outline them: ### **Formats** TeX Live uses its own font system...

@LuckyTurtleDev If `fontspec` starts supporting tectonic standard cache folders it should be rather easy and straightforward. Otherwise, I'm not aware how `tectonic` could hint `fontspec`, I'm open to ideas.