⑆ Neveda ⑈

Results 17 issues of ⑆ Neveda ⑈

### Description The `pdfx` allows to produce PDF/X and PDF/A, yet it requires passing special options to compile correctly in XeTeX-based engines. The issue is well-known and documented in the...

Affects Firefox `77.0.1`, Asciidoctor.js Live Preview [][1] and previous [2.5.0][2]. ### Description Reloading the extension causes some warnings. It does not prevent proper display of the document. ### Steps to...

🦊 Firefox

Affects Asciidoctor.js Live Preview [][1] and previous [2.5.0][2] in Chromium-based web browsers. ### Description Using the `include::file.adoc[]` declaration in a document will trigger several warnings. It does not prevent proper...

:upside_down_face: upstream

The colors maintain a `4.5:1` contrast ratio. Add a badge that indicates [WCAG 2.1 | Level AA](https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#contrast-minimum). Some ideas:

Currently, the `--export` variants lack short flags, forcing commands to be verbose. This issue is intended to spark discussion rather than to provide a fixed change. Inspired by the approach...

Short flags enhance brevity and conciseness. Currently, some options lack equivalent short flags to invoke them: - [X] `-w`, `--warmup` - [X] `-m`, `--min-runs` - [X] `-M`, `--max-runs` - [X]...

Short flags for `--style`, `--sort`, `--show-output`, `--output`, `--input`. ###### Adjust as needed for what's best to the project. Closes #689

The colors maintain a `4.5:1` contrast ratio. Add a badge that indicates [WCAG 2.1 | Level AA](https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#contrast-minimum). Some ideas: