Jianhui Yuan Xu
Jianhui Yuan Xu
You may try out [img-paste.vim](https://github.com/img-paste-devs/img-paste.vim) as an alternative. The default keymap to insert an image is `p`. Additionally, you can specify different insertion format for different filetypes using auto command....
重复issue:https://github.com/gaomingqi/Track-Anything/issues/28 此外,1. 下次请在提issue前先查看是否重复;2. 请不要用`bug?`这样的无意义标题,而应该精炼地描述你的问题
Yes. You may use the following vimscript to disable `indentline` on your dashboard buffer. ```vimscript augroup disableIndentlineDb autocmd! au FileType dashboard let b:indentLine_enabled = 0 augroup END ``` Check `:help...
You'd better use ```lua vim.cmd[[ augroup disableIndentlineDb autocmd! -- clear cmds in this group first to avoid duplication au FileType dashboard let b:indentLine_enabled = 0 augroup END ]] ``` Every...
> How did you exit Yazi, by using `q` to quit it normally, or by forcefully ending it with something like `kill yazi`? I exited Yazi by `q`.
> Hi, I made a PR trying to fix this issue #812, let me know if it works for you Thank you. It works! :smile:
> op是: one pick 海贼王 over powered 片头曲 one plus Lolita有袖连衣裙 擎天柱 一拳超人 orange plus Operater(操作员) Opening theme 原批 on top おっぱい(oppai) 顶层还原 牛逼 original poster one piece 技术运维 厂家预留空间...