/claim /closes ## description Add support for Windows ARM64 CI in release-app.yml, has been tested in Travis CI and Windows Surface. related issue: #430 ## type of change...
/claim #430 /closes #430 ## description Add support for Windows ARM64 CI in release-app.yml, has been tested in Travis CI and Windows Surface. related issue: #430 Reopened due to repository...
/claim #507 This correctly copies the ollama bin in Linux and adds the libs as resources.
/claim #318 /fix #318 This adds MKL support for Linux and Windows - since this is a CPU acceleration feature not many changes are needed.
/claim #194 /closes #194 This PR adds ffmpeg-sidecar with auto install, it is partly inspired by the older PR but I've tested it and made significant important changes. Fork has...
/claim #710 /closes #710 This is pretty small as most of the infrastructure for the MKL support was already there.
/claim #321 /closes #321 @louis030195 You need to define the GitHub Actions secret "SIGNPATH_API_TOKEN" with a token you can get with the guide at Simply enter your profile, and...
/claim #764 /closes #764 /closes #759 I linked #764 as well because I believe the issue the user reported is directly related to this. @louis030195 Please tell me if this...