Hi, i'm using your lib, lovely! The only problem i'm facing is the control isn't showing untile a next page action/drag is performed. i tried forcing appearance using setposition method...
A bit cumbersome but it worked i did to import a full scene with materials and textures (instead of recreating the materials/shaders from zero), if someone has a better solution...
Probably the file prefix should be EUW_filename for the Editor Utility Widget
Trying to create eh objc-c wsdl code from this site: using i get this error: Fatal error: Call to a member function getAttribute() on a non-object in /var/www/
Hi, I'm using the following document class which uses B5 document paper format, twosided: \documentclass[ b5paper, fontsize=10pt, % Base font size twoside=true, % Use different layouts for even and odd...
Hi, i created the following code, the header row isn't added, i checked also with a pdf inspector and the first object added is the next row but not the...
Hi, i have a shader which uses roughtness texture how can i modify the base unreal shader (exodusmaterialfunction) to use it, i tried adding a texture props but was unable...