
Results 9 comments of Nayuta403

还没进度,现在的情况是说每次任务只渲染一个 widget,但其实可能它不怎么耗时。希望做到说,如果这个任务不怎么耗时,那么是不是可以再执行一个任务。 但这个依赖于,要得到每一个任务的执行时间,现在的每一个任务是 setState,这玩意儿在当前帧只是一个标记操作,下一帧执行耗时,所以没法拿到这一帧的时间。 我能想到的是,能不能先去把这个任务机制改下,不做 setState, 看下有没有办法直接在这一帧渲染 widget。一来可以统计时间(但这个时间只是 framework 的,可能没那么准),二来可以提升整个页面的渲染速度(理论上页面完成渲染的时间会快两倍)。

Not yet. At this point we're only rendering one widget per task, but it's probably not that time-consuming. Hopefully, if this task is not too time-consuming, can you execute another...

Yeah, no problem. I have also applied for the Flutter Favorite Project.

Is the taskQueue 12000 in length? This is very strange indeed

OMG, this queue length doesn't look normal. The fastest way is to set this property to control the maximum length of the queue For example, set it to 100...

![image]( At the beginning of the video there is a sudden increase in the number of FramesepWidgets. It seems a little strange. Can you post where FrameSepWidget is used

At the same time,I do not recommend using FrameSepWidget as a child nested with FrameSepWidget. It should only need to be used on the child. ``` NewsStackBody() => for (var...

There is this parameter, which can be accessed here

@fzyzcjy I'm interested in this topic and have been trying to go in a direction where Keframe can make the best use of each 16.7ms, since now each item will...