Natanel Shitrit
Natanel Shitrit
I added this in #23 but i don't think it'll be merged soon.
I'm sorry this is being delayed - this is my exams period, after it i hope to implement all the new enhancement and fix all the bugs that will come...
### **"Which folder are map coordinates read from?"** If you meant to ask for the spawns - it's in [`csgo/configs/retakes`]( as you wrote. ### **Is there any way to make...
@inputuserhere [`csgo/addons/sourcemod/configs/retakes`]( has no map coordinates in it. This config contains the convar values (1) the plugin needs to run properly and (2) other convars that change the overall gameplay...
Very unlikely, No cvar that i know of changes the molotov velocity. This is probably caused by a sourcepawn plugin. (or a metamod extension)
The only plugin that seem suspicious is `"Nikooo777" (1.0) by Nikooo777`. if this not cause of the problem i recommend checking if everything is up to date, such as sourcemod...
For now the "fix" is on the dev branch, I'm using latest compiler and it's still errors, i guess it's up to the repo owner to accept it or not,...
> Oh, so in the 1.11 development version of Sourcemod, using `int` instead of `any` in timers causes errors? In the `1.11 development version` this problem is fixed. > Skimming...
Mine also crashes from the home view, If I download the episode and try to play it right after downloading.
Ready for review :) @jarnedemeulemeester Any ideas for the last 2 TODOs?