Nathanael Marchand
Nathanael Marchand
# Bug Report Currently working on net8.0 ``` ``` ## Symptom When using redaction and batch otlp protocol, redacted values are not stored. **What is the expected behavior?** Expected: the...
Hi there! We are currently encountering a weird issue described as follow: Given I bind OAuth2IntrospectionOptions with an IConfiguration section and using a IOptionsMonitor somewhere When a configuration provider triggers...
Hi! I'm currently trying log enrichment on an app but I think there's a problem of usability. In the simple case where I have an AspNet server endpoint which makes...
Add ApplianceType mixin for legrand modules supporting it Make rooms with NLC radiator supporting climate Change async_therm_set to add fil pilote value
Hey there! I've made a PR to upgrade dependencies mainly to switch to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient (solves #193) and took the opportunity to upgrade other dependencies. Among other stuffs I've also used...