
Results 32 comments of Narazaka

I have one question. When I mentioned above that the `@as` chain is required, I was assuming that type compatibility would be checked in this typecast as well. For example,...

However, I think the current syntax can be extended to, for example, `# @as untyped @as String`. If such an extension is allowed in the implementation, I think it would...

The typecasting of values makes it possible to ignore probably almost all implementation type errors, even when strictly typed in rbs. I think this would be a real "incremental" type...

Yes, that's the use case I was thinking of. I think the cast without type checking you suggested would certainly solve the problem!

It seems to be emitting about hidden elements in the canvas that Storybook automatically adds. I think it can be solved by ignoring the `.sb-wrapper` or ignoring the hidden elements....


--output-filename "%_out" でfoos_out.xlsxが出るとか

この要件に当たる場合は、改行を"\n"の文字列で示すなどしていただくのが無難です。 現状対処法がわかりません。(どうもExcelアプリケーション自体のプラットフォームによる非互換性が存在するようで、全容が把握できていません。) 知見のある方がいたらおしらせください。

