Nadim Dib

Results 3 issues of Nadim Dib

mpu6050.update(); if(millis() - timer > 100){ avg_acc = sqrt(pow(mpu6050.getAccX(),2) + pow(mpu6050.getAccY(),2) +pow(mpu6050.getAccZ(), 2)); // Serial.print("avacc"); Serial.println(avg_acc); timer = millis(); } This code gives me the acceleration magnitude, and it works...

Hello, We are launching the `roslaunch vkc_demo demo.launch` command and running the demo on the vkc state of the arm and robot. But when we press plan in RViz the...

I have a huge point cloud formed of one single scan containing 227 million points. So every time I use the .read_scan() function the code crashed and doesn't load the...

help wanted