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cuda-samples copied to clipboard

Samples for CUDA Developers which demonstrates features in CUDA Toolkit

Results 191 cuda-samples issues
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The current gcc version check truncates to three digits. This fix uses four digits and allows gcc versions 10.0.0 and upward to work correctly. Signed-off-by: Isaiah Grace

It causes error without "inline" or "static" specifiers when the header is included into two different source files. I find a similar concern [here](

my os system is win10 x64 cuda version:v10.2.89 gpu is: GeForce GTX 1080 I want to copy a cef shared texture data and send it to another pc, just like...

Hi, I use the sample named nvJPEG_encoder, and I use NVJPEG_CSS_GRAY as subsampling format to encode an image size(4x16), will get below error: CUDA error at d:\cppworkspace\cuda-samples\samples\nvjpeg_encoder\nvjpeg_encoder.cpp:200 code=2(NVJPEG_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER) "nvjpegEncodeYUV(nvjpeg_handle, encoder_state,...

add cudaDeviceReset() into p2pBandwidthLatencyTest to free gpu memory after test

Hi, It seems that a 'free' is missing for the event in this example

I keep get the error `strenc.c:(.text+0x1294): warning: the use of `tmpnam' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp'` I am not sure how solve this the error comes into being through the...

I am receiving a below error so can anyone help me to resolve this. **C:\Users\XYZ\Desktop\ The archive is either in unknown format or damaged** Thanks in advance.

Hi, In The code indicates that the host memory to be registered must be aligned to 4k at both ends. AFAIK this requirement was only there around the era...