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Samples for CUDA Developers which demonstrates features in CUDA Toolkit

Results 191 cuda-samples issues
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cuda-samples for vscode are full of Linuxisms (/usr/local/bin/nvcc, cuda-gdb, etc.). Is there a vscode for Windows repository somewhere? Thanks.

I feel like you're all so brilliant, you literally don't understand what "simple" actually means (based on your "simple" examples). My complaint across really the entire C++ space is that...

Hello, I now want to use stream for asynchronous execution, and would like to ask if there is a limit to the amount of data for a single stream,thanks

Given error while compiling CUDA Samples: ``` #error -- unsupported GNU version! gcc versions later than 11 are not supported! The nvcc flag '-allow-unsupported-compiler' can be used to override this...

Hi I want to build `smokeParticles` Example and I got : ``` >>> GCC Version is greater or equal to 5.0.0

I encountered a strange bug while programming tensor core using the **WMMA** api in A800. I tried to print the size of the element in the fragment,Normally **sizeof**(fp16) is 2,...

This is my result: ``` Starting... GPU Device 0: "Turing" with compute capability 7.5 [NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti] has 68 MP(s) x 64 (Cores/MP) = 4352 (Cores) > Compute...

I'm not sure, whether this is the right repo to report this, but could not find a better place here or on gitlab. The problem is basically in the title....

Typo on the line 14 of the file “Samples/1_Utilities/”, “A simple exemple” changed to “A simple example”.